Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Clean an Area Rug

When you have beautiful area rugs decorating your home, you will want to keep them looking their best. In order to do that, proper cleaning and maintenance must be done for your area rugs periodically in order to keep them looking new.

When you want to prevent dirt from building up on your area rugs, you will want to vacuum the rug regularly. Sweeping the rug once a week with a vacuum is sufficient in keeping the dirt and dust from building up to a noticeable degree. This will also help your home stay allergy free for those friends and family members who could have allergy flares due to dust and dirt.

Make sure to take care of your rug by watching for an frazzled ends on the area rug. Getting these loose ends caught in the vacuum could easily snag your rug and unravel it further. When you see a frazzled end to your area rug, never pull on it. If your rug does have a blemish like this, you will want to work around the spot when cleaning it so that it does not get any worse. You could also find a professional to repair it.

If you get any spills on your area rugs, you will want to blot the spill quickly with either a white cloth or a white hand towel. Make sure to apply small amounts of water when you blot out the stain so that it will loosen up from the rug fibers. If it becomes a set in stain, you can use solvents and cleaners to get out anything that is left.

Those who are wary of dangerous chemicals can use a simple cleaning solution on their area rugs. If you have a rug that have multiple colors, you can mix lemon juice and bleach (without chlorine). Hydrogen peroxide should be avoided if you have fragile area rugs.

Remember that maintenance is key to a clean rug, so you will want to get all of your area rugs professionally cleaned at least once a year, even if there are no visible stains or dirt. And it is recommended that a professional do the cleaning because doing it on your own can lead to damage to your rugs from too much water, too much shampooing, or dragging your furniture over the rug before it is completely dry.

If you do decide to clean the rug yourself, you will need to vacuum first. This will pick up any loose dirt that may be on the rug, and it will prevent the shampoo and cleaning solutions from working on this dirt instead of the dirt and dust that is inside the rug.

After you have cleaned your area rug, make sure to rotate it from its original position. Keeping an area rug in a high traffic area will allow it to wear out on one side and not the other if you do not rotate it. This will keep your rug looking fresh and new.